this clearly isnt going anywhere productive.

okayyyyyyy. haha. would you look at the time!

i think we should wrap it up for today. waiter? uh we would like to pay

yes. thatll be XXXXXX.XX$


(you sorta spent all your money on an online confidence coaching class last night.)

a shame its so easy to tell my status based on dapper appearance alone...

a couple of scoundrels robbed me of my riches in the street earlier today… unbelievable

wh- why. are you talking like that

they left me with nothing but my cane.

unless you take payment in gold bullions, which can be arranged. ill just go to my mansion real qu-

stop it ill pay.


ugh ok let me-

i think i lost it.

i lost it outside. my wallet.

hold on… i usually hide an emergency credit card in my shoe


wait fuck

haha! one second please let me check my finance app (text someone and pray to god) ^^

not interested.
