a strong iron scent fills the air


What a nice non ominous room! The lack of light and the weird stains on the wall really add a nice touch.

Oh! Did you bring my food? Hehe


Some kind of heavy metal contraption seems to encase this persons entire head making their voice muffled

yea i got you a sandwich
Could youuuu please unlock my head then?

now why the fuck would i do that?
So i can eat... ?


there you go

awe can you at least remove the crust and cut it into small slices for me then?

Thats enough 19 youre lucky you get anything at all. Be good now or something will be cut into small slices.

oh youre back

Moving on. Im gonna need my keys back

Now wer-



I guess now were gonna try and find out why the hell the power just went off.

great awesome great cool