oh.. thats okay...ah- breaks already over

well, see you later

bye see ya

*after school, someone is knocking at your door*

hello again

ive brought my homework if thats alright with you... i was thinking maybe you could help me with it...

its cool (fuck you man) no problem
hehe okay... so how about we play some video games first and do the school stuff later?

sounds good
*youre both sitting on your bed playing on your console. Looks like youre on a winning streak! But maybe its just because your friend keeps looking at you nervously... and is distracted from the game*

hey so... ive been meaning to talk to you about something...

so- weve known each other for a while now havent we... and we spend lots of time together...

i guess so
I love hanging out with you... i love uhm-


dont you wish we could be together...all the time?

... i do!
well maybe...you

should join the computer club so we can hang out even more!

huh computer? dont you mean photography club?
no really!

oh uhm- right haha!
